Our Vision for every child,life in all its fullness; Our prayer for every heart, the will to make it so.
Our Mission We believe in brighter futures for children Empowering families to create incomes and jobs Unlocking economic potential for communities to thrive.

Business Loans

These are loan products designed for clients who are already in business and want to grow those businesses.

Agriculture Loans

Agriculture loan to Small scale/individual farmer doing crop production, crop storage, processing or livestock keeping by way of working capital or equipment finance especially from rural areas.


Save small, achieve big with VFT Dunduliza account.


Children Impacted




Loans disbursed



Mariamu Bakari

from Same Business Center

"I have learned how to save and keep financial records but most importantly, with the loans, i have been able to expand my business. Today, i am able to provide for my family. VisionFund also noticed the need of reducing cost of i going all the way to town and brought me close to the bank through mobile banking which is fast and available anywhere and anytime "

Immanuel Mbwambo

from Makindube

"is another rice grower from Makindube who has benefitted from the integrated project. ‘I have doubled my income through MLAP,’said Immanuel Mbwambo. Before joining MLAP Immanuel was cultivating ½ acre of land, but after joining MLAP he was able to increase his farm plot to 1¼ acres."

Asha Mtunguja

from Tanga Branch

"Asha Mtunguja stated taking loans in year 2008 in the group called KUIVANA which is found at Tongwe village in Nkumba ward in Tanga region. She is a mother of six children. By taking loans from Visionfund Tanzania through her dagaa businesshouse from a mud house to one made of bricks in a period of only two years."

Get in Touch

Find us at the office

Afrika Mashariki Road,
Arusha International Conference Center (AICC)
Serengeti Wing, 5th Floor
P.O. Box 1546 Arusha, Tanzania

      Contact Us

     +255 27 2548218 / +255 27 2503912
    Toll Free: 0800 758 723